Saturday, September 15, 2007

Digital Camera Resolution - Is Higher Always Better?

Todays compact digital cameras have 6MPix resolution and higher (up to 12MPix). Even some cell phones have 3MPix cameras. So when you buy a digital camera is the resolution the main feature what we should look for? Absolutely NOT!
Let's count what resolution we really need. The printer resolution is enough from 200 to 300DPI (Dots Per Inch) - let's count 300DPI. The most common used format is 4x6'' (10x15cm). So if you plan to shoot (and later print!) mostly on this format the picture size should be 1200x1800 pixels. That is 21600000Pix = 2,16 MPix. So the 3MPix digital camera is just fine even for 4.5x7'' (12x18cm)
Bottom line is that when you look for a digital camera more than the physical resolution focus on modes and functions you really need. Ask about the lenses, focal length, "zoom", etc. Consider the size and ergonomics.

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